Today we say goodbye to our beloved coach Rasmus "Gux" Ståhl, who is continuing his journey in new environments.— GamerLegion (@GamerLegion) August 6, 2020
Sad to see you go, but we hope the best for your future!
You can read @GuxCSGO's statement from below ⬇️#TeamGL pic.twitter.com/nvh9jic3t5
in GamerLegion its been loads of fun and a great experience. I wish nothing but the best for the players and the organisation moving forward, any success will be well deserved!" - Gux— GamerLegion (@GamerLegion) August 6, 2020
現在のGamerLegionのラインナップは以下になります。チームは現在開催中のEden Arena Malta Vives Cup 6に出場中です。
